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Mark B. Brown

Mark B. Brown is professor in the Department of Political Science at California State University, Sacramento. He is the author of Science in Democracy: Expertise, Institutions, and Representation (MIT Press, 2009), and various publications on the politics of expertise, political representation, bioethics, climate change, and related topics. He teaches courses on modern and contemporary political theory, democratic theory, and the politics of science, technology, and the environment.

Colin Koopman

Colin Koopman is Professor of Philosophy and Director of New Media & Culture Program at the University of Oregon. He works on the ethics and politics of information. His latest book, How we Became our Data: A Genealogy of the Informational Person, examines how the emergence of large-scale record keeping systems like birth certificates and social security numbers, along with the informatics of personality testing and racialized credit, have shaped experiences of personhood.



Steven Jackson

Steve Jackson is Associate Professor in the Department of Information Science and Department of Science and Technology Studies at Cornell University. His research connects contemporary questions in information science to theoretical and methodological traditions in the critical, interpretive, and historical social sciences. His work has long been engaged with theoretical and practical problems of infrastructure: social and material forms foundational to collective human action of all kinds. He is especially interested in places where new computing forms and practices meet the material world, with implications for sustainability, development, inequality, and new (and old) cultural practices, including in art and music.

Steven Klein


Steven Klein is a political theorist with research interests in democratic theory, critical social theory, theories of political economy, and the history of European social and political thought (especially of 19th and 20th Germany). Thematically, his work addresses concerns such as the nature of social domination and the relationship between democratic action and the institutional structure of the welfare state and capitalism.


Joseph P. Masco

Working at the intersection of science studies, environmental studies, media studies, and social theory, Joseph Masco's scholarship examines the material, affective, and conceptual effects of technological revolution. He is the author of The Nuclear Borderlands: The Manhattan Project in Post-Cold War New Mexico (Princeton University Press, 2006), a multi-sited ethnographic investigation into the long-term effects of the atomic bomb project in New Mexico. It explores how a half century of national security science in Los Alamos differentially remade local understandings of risk, citizenship, ecology and race after the Cold War.

Heidi Voskuhl

Heidi Voskuhl is Associate Professor of History and Philosophy of Science at The University of Pennsylvania. Her research interests include the philosophy of technology (particularly of the early modern period), the history of the Enlightenment, and modern European intellectual and cultural history. She is the author of Androids in the Enlightenment: Mechanics, Artisans, and Cultures of the Self (University of Chicago Press, 2013), which won the Jacques Barzun Prize in Cultural History of the American Philosophical Society in 2014.
